Publication Guidelines
Submission of articles and book reviews to Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal are temporarily made through the journal's e-mail:
Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal does not charge any fees for the submission process, peer review, publication and availability of texts.
As part of the process, authors are required to check that the submission complies with all the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with these standards will be returned to the authors.
• The paper is original, unpublished and the parts that come from other works are duly referenced. It is not under review or for publication in another journal. Otherwise, the author(s) should inform the journal editors.
• Texts available on the SciELO Preprints and SocArXiv preprint servers are not considered publications and are therefore accepted for submission (see Admission of preprints).
• Authorship is subject to a grace period of four issues.
• Only one proposal per author and/or co-author will be accepted for a single issue and must be submitted using the submission template.
• The section for which the text is intended must be indicated: Thematic Dossier, Articles or Book Reviews.
• Authors' names, ORCIDs, affiliations (R&D centres, faculties and universities) and email addresses.
• Language of the text: Portuguese (according to the new spelling agreement), Spanish, French or English. Title, abstract and keywords in the language of the text, in English and in Portuguese.
• Limit of 10,000 words for articles and 2,000 for book reviews, including footnotes and bibliographical references.
• Maximum of 10 images, although this limit may be altered by the editors. All images, tables and charts must be numbered sequentially and their position in the text must be indicated. Images must have an associated caption and tables and graphs must have a title (and caption, if applicable). Images must be referenced in the text. Images that belong to the collection of the Lisbon Municipal Archive can be used as available on the respective website. Those that are not part of this collection must be delivered as separate files, in jpeg or tiff format.
• Authors are solely responsible for obtaining publication rights for images used in the articles, or for any other copyrighted material (property, etc.) that is not part of the Lisbon Municipal Archive's collection and will only be published on presentation of proof of publication authorisation.
• The declaration of Authorisation and Transfer of Rights for Publication must be completed, signed and submitted together with the article.
All studies and printed sources cited in the text must be included in a final list of bibliographical references, presented in accordance with APA guidelines (7th edition). This list can only contain the studies and printed sources cited in the text. Examples can be found in the submission template.
If handwritten sources are cited in the text, they should be footnoted.
1. Desk Review
The submitted text is examined by the editors and scientific coordinators of the respective issue, considering its originality, relevance and quality, as well as fulfilment of the formal (stage 1) and thematic (stage 2) requirements.
Stage 1
• Confirmation that the article submission template has been used and full details of the author(s) have been provided.
• Identification of plagiarism and recycled text. If detected, the paper is returned to the author(s). Works published in other journals or translations are not accepted.
Stage 2
• The editors make a preliminary assessment of the scientific quality of the text and forward it for the opinion of the scientific coordinator, who observes the following elements: introduction, objectives, theoretical and methodological approach, and final considerations, among others; structure of the article; clarity of the writing; appropriate scientific language; contribution to the scientific field in which the work is situated.
• Any text that does not fulfil the requirements identified above will be returned to the author(s) at the end of the desk review for reformulation. If it is reformulated, the author may submit it again, one last time. Texts that do not fulfil these criteria will be definitively rejected.
2. Scientific Review
Each article is sent to two external referees for peer review on a double-blind basis for both authors and reviewers. If necessary, additional referees are asked for their opinions. If the article is from a preprint repository, the evaluation process is semi-open, i.e. the evaluators are guaranteed anonymity (see Admission of preprints).
The following elements are taken into consideration in the scientific review: originality of the article; relevance, coherence and depth of the topic; suitability of the title, abstract and keywords as well as the introduction and conclusion; clarity of language and quality of the writing; logic and consistency of the argumentation; adequacy of the research methods; adequacy and rigour of the analysis and interpretation of sources; appropriateness of the bibliography used.
According to these criteria, the reviewers provide an opinion with one of the following recommendations: accept the text as is, reject the text, or suggest rewriting it. The decision to publish the article is the sole responsibility of the editors, who will communicate it to the author(s) along with the respective opinions. When a reformulation is proposed, the new version sent by the author will be re-evaluated in a double-blind peer review. At the very least, the article may be rejected.
The editors may request opinions from the reviewers as many times as necessary in order to substantiate their final decision.
The review process is scheduled to last three months and its outcome, which is unappealable in all cases, is communicated to the author(s) within a maximum of six months.
3. Copy Desk
Once the article has been approved, the editing process for publication begins.
The editors reserve the right to make any necessary formal changes, such as correcting citations and bibliographical references, as long as the meaning of the text remains unchanged.
During the Copy Desk, the author may be asked to make adjustments or add missing elements.
4. Publication
Each article is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Once the above steps have been completed, the article is published in continuous publication mode. The author(s) are notified by the editors of the publication of their article. Articles are expected to be published within 12 months.
Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal recommends consulting the Ethics and Good Practices in Publishing.