
Ouvrir une session ou (S'inscrire) pour faire une soumission.

Liste de vérification de la soumission

En tant que partie intégrante du processus de soumission, les auteurs doivent s'assurer de la conformité de leur soumission avec tous les éléments suivants, et les soumissions peuvent être retournées aux auteurs qui ne sont pas conformes à ces directives.
  • Only proposals submitted using the article submission template (available for download in the Submissions menu) will be accepted.
  • The contribution is original, unpublished and the parts that come from other works are duly referenced. It is not under review or for publication in another journal. Other situations should be justified in ‘Comments for the Editor’.
  • Language of the text in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English. Title, abstract and keywords in the language of the text, in English and Portuguese.
  • Limit of 10,000 words for articles, 2,000 for reviews and 5,000 for interviews, including footnotes and bibliographical references.
  • Maximum of 10 images, although this limit may be changed by the Editors. All images, tables and charts sequentially numbered, with a caption associated and its exact location in the text.
  • The Publication Guidelines were previously consulted.
  • Authors' names, ORCIDs, affiliations (R&D centres, faculties and universities) and email addresses.
  • Texts available on the SciELO Preprints and SocArXiv preprint servers are not considered publications and are therefore accepted for submission (see Admission of preprints). This information should be communicated in 'Comments for the Editor'.
  • The author(s) assume(s) responsibility for all the information contained in the text. The author(s) acknowledge that all submitted manuscripts will be subject to plagiarism screening.

Directives aux auteurs


In-text citations of studies and printed sources
• According to Neves (2020), or (Neves, 2020), when it refers to a work in general;
• According to Almeida (2020, p. 24-26), or (Almeida, 2020, p. 24-26), when citing a specific feature or reproducing a direct quotation;
• According to Coutinho (2005a, 2005b, 2010, in print), or (Coutinho, (2005a, 2005b, 2010, in print), when citing several works from the same author;
• According to Silva (s.d.) ou (Silva, s.d.), when citing a work without year;
• According to Hoffmann and McPhee (2018), or (Hoffmann and McPhee, 2018), when it refers to a work having two or three authors;
• According to Plant et al. (2017), or (Plant et al., 2017), when it refers to a work having more than three authors.

Citations of handwritten sources
In footnote.

Bibliographical references
List of cited references at the end of the article according to APA 7th edition.

Information that identifies the article’s author(s), such as self-citations or references to previous works, must be made in an impersonal manner.


The texts submitted are examined by the Editors and the Scientific Coordination, considering their originality, relevance and quality, as well as their compliance with formal and thematic requirements. Articles that do not meet these criteria will not be accepted for publication. Each article will then be sent to two external academic reviewers, who ensure the process of anonymous double-blind peer review. If necessary, a third reviewer will be asked for an opinion. According to the reviews received, author(s) may be asked to adopt the proposals presented. The text may ultimately be rejected.
The process of peer review has a time limit of three months and its outcome, unappealable in all cases, is communicated to the author(s) within a period of six months.
The Editors reserve the right to apply the adapted NP 405 to the bibliographic references, as well as to proceed to essential formal amendments, as long as the meaning of the text stays unchanged. The deadline for publication of articles is 12 months. A pdf file of the article will be sent to each author.


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Politique de section standard

Comptes Rendus

Politique de section standard

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