The judgement of the self in the other: Victor Cousin’s travel to German countries and its pedagogical implications




Victor Cousin, Comparative Education, History of Education, Teachers training, Transnational History


This article aims to report the pedagogical implications of Victor Cousin’s travel to some German countries, in 1831, based on the report about public instruction elaborated by himself. The objective was to investigate the transnational dimension of such travel, by considering the analytic and comparative dimension of the reflection developed by the author about a territory that was foreign to him. Regarding methodology, the study of the report, focused on its first part, occurred from thematic categories elected as appropriate operatory tools to approaching the theme. As result of the investigation, it was verified that there was a two-way road in Victor Cousin’s look on the German educational reality. While he expressed his admiration and strangeness with what he saw and witnessed, he simultaneously expressed his comparative dimension, since his look had French lens to observe that foreign reality.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. R. e . (2022). The judgement of the self in the other: Victor Cousin’s travel to German countries and its pedagogical implications. Cadernos Do Arquivo Municipal, (18), 1–12.