The books that were not: The hidden work of Portuguese Socialism (1875-1910)




Book, Socialist movement, Journalism, Literature, Portugal


When it comes to building the memory of the labour movement, historiography has rarely paid attention  to the intellectual contribution of its members and  usually focuses on an instrumental level,  concentrating its analysis on organisational  characteristics. Examples include the works created  by workers make it possible to study the forms of  doctrinal dissemination, but due to their militant  nature, they are rarely considered, particularly when  they have an artistic nature, such as poems, narratives and theatre plays. Some of these works were published separately, but the majority remain unpublished, hidden and scattered in the pages of  the periodicals of his time, mostly labour and  republican. Unfortunately, these texts have not  received the necessary attention to be recovered in  critical editions as has happened with other authors,  namely literary writers, philosophers, politicians or  journalists. The aim of this work is to stimulate  research interest in order to reveal this forgotten  contribution.


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How to Cite

Peralta García, B. (2023). The books that were not: The hidden work of Portuguese Socialism (1875-1910). Cadernos Do Arquivo Municipal, (20), 1–13.