A city between two kingdoms: Ceuta among Portugal and Spain (1640-1665)





Ceuta, Tangiers, Army, Supply, 17th Century, Loyalty


Ceuta remained loyal to Philip IV after the facts happened in Portugal during the crisis of 1640. The reasons and motivations of this loyalty, as well as the efforts of Madrid to defend and to reward the city for his loyalty, are analyzed in this work. At the same time, we also compared this with what happened in Tangiers in 1643. In this work, we also analyze the arrival of the first Castilian garrison, and his evolution until 1665. A military presence that in this period did not influence so decisively to the progressive castellanización of the city, it has been thought traditionally. In fact it seems that in Ceuta it conformed a mixed Hispanic-Portuguese society, in the
face the continuous naturalization of the Castilian soldiers who arrives to Ceuta.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Hernández, A. J. (2015). A city between two kingdoms: Ceuta among Portugal and Spain (1640-1665). Cadernos Do Arquivo Municipal, (4), 185–216. https://doi.org/10.48751/CAM-2015-4268