Weapons to Ceuta (1420). Contribution to the study of Portuguese weaponry in the beginning of the XV century





XV century, Ceuta, Armor, Inventory, Military history


The following study aims to observe and characterize a set of defensive armor sent to Ceuta in 1420. From an Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa document, one can follow some of the measures taken to muster this set of weapons, but essentially we have access to the inventory in its written form, providing us information regarding their physical description and the contemporary terminology used to describe them. From the data present in the inventory, we propose a short glossary, to act as a reading support to this document and also to be a contribution to a broader study of the Portuguese armament in the beginning of the XV century.


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How to Cite

Castro, T. M. de. (2015). Weapons to Ceuta (1420). Contribution to the study of Portuguese weaponry in the beginning of the XV century. Cadernos Do Arquivo Municipal, (4), 39–63. https://doi.org/10.48751/CAM-2015-4263