Where was located Xabregas’ Botanical Garden, established by Gabriel Grisley in Lisbon, in the 17th century?





Gabriel Grisley, Botanical garden, History of botany, Xabregas-Lisbon, Xabregas river


Gabriel Grisley, a German doctor, came to Portugal in the early 17th century. In Xabregas (Lisbon) he founded a botanical garden which had royal support, and published works on medicinal plants and the Portuguese flora. In this garden were cultivated plants in abundance, for medical use and study, and also had associated a herbarium, so that herbalists and doctors could study the medicinal plants at all times. Using multiple historical sources about the convents of São Francisco and Madre de Deus of Xabregas, the Samaritana water source, the old basin of Xabregas river, the geography of the former site of Xabregas and the works of Grisley itself, it was concluded that Gabriel Grisley’s Xabregas Botanical Garden was probably located near the mouth of Xabregas river, the Samaritana water source, and also of the convents of Madre de Deus and São Francisco of Xabregas.


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How to Cite

Cabral, J. P. S. (2018). Where was located Xabregas’ Botanical Garden, established by Gabriel Grisley in Lisbon, in the 17th century?. Cadernos Do Arquivo Municipal, (9), 43–62. https://doi.org/10.48751/CAM-2018-9169